Posted some screenies of the old crew for Llava. Unfortunately, screenshots of his eponymous nightshade are gone. I only have Saulot, his mentalist.

Goliana. Absolutely adorable.

How she suffered through marriage to this guy, Masnark, I have no idea. There was definitely no shortage of inappropriate and obscene comments with this guy around. I miss him. *sigh*.

Best defensive tank. Period. Loved Saorise. She never compromised herself despite being guilded with a bunch of perverted, immature morons. We all adored and respected her.

Zlara. Z. Z. Z. Best healer in Hibernia. Sexiest voice in Hibernia.

Remember this, Llava? I can't remember how long you were stuck here but you finally found your way out. I did nothing to assist you but stand, watch and mock. You know, my typical helpful self. :D
And Falder the pig. He was either an amazing roleplayer or he really is a horny pig in real life. Either way, he was awesome.
I miss my Mentalist. FWOOSH, DEATHSPAM. Plus throwing down AOE DoTs was a great way to steal RPs from the people actually getting the kills.