Friday, May 14, 2010

In-Game weddings

New to MMO's and roleplaying in general, things like in-game weddings confused me at first. But I think we all saw the friendship of Bheara and Synizade develop. And how he deleted his Alb? to move to Hibernia.

This was their wedding.

Later on, Arguyle MacFadden and I decided to tie the knot as well. There were some challenges considering he was from Albion. That and I could pulverize him with my hammer. All 3 realms had lots of fun with our sham wedding. We modified our surnames for a while. Ridiculous... loved it.

For Llava

Posted some screenies of the old crew for Llava. Unfortunately, screenshots of his eponymous nightshade are gone. I only have Saulot, his mentalist.

Goliana. Absolutely adorable.

How she suffered through marriage to this guy, Masnark, I have no idea. There was definitely no shortage of inappropriate and obscene comments with this guy around. I miss him. *sigh*.

Best defensive tank. Period. Loved Saorise. She never compromised herself despite being guilded with a bunch of perverted, immature morons. We all adored and respected her.

Zlara. Z. Z. Z. Best healer in Hibernia. Sexiest voice in Hibernia.

Remember this, Llava? I can't remember how long you were stuck here but you finally found your way out. I did nothing to assist you but stand, watch and mock. You know, my typical helpful self. :D

And Falder the pig. He was either an amazing roleplayer or he really is a horny pig in real life. Either way, he was awesome.

Thursday, May 13, 2010


Mistells. We've all done them.

Cybersex. Some of us have done it.

A mistell while cybering? Priceless. This one will go down in infamy.


It's common knowledge how obssessed I was with Lurikeens. I couldn't pass one without cooing and smiling.

One day, we decided to invade Thidranki with keens.

Considering we were the lowest levels and in grey gear, I think we did okay. Meaning, we died a lot. A LOT. But I laughed so hard and so long that night.

One time, I helped organize a Lurikeen race. Awesome turnout... seeing all those tiny keens racing across the Frontier... happy day. I think I probably had a plat or more as the reward.

Darkness Falls

I never went anywhere without my bot bard - as a Champion, I needed her endurance song. I became quite adept at playing 2 characters at the same time as Leto and I were racing through Darkness Falls to get to some Albs, we ran into a bunch of drinkers.

Gotta love aoe mez.

Slane Baanrit

LOVED my guild. It was my first, last and only guild on Nimue. Such a fantastic group of people. Luckily, a bunch of us moved to WoW together.

Slane Baanrit is gaelic for Totally Crazy and it was incredibly appropriate. This is what we looked like, more often than not.

Rou's most common position. "I wonder if these BAF?" Son of a bitch. He got me killed more often than any other person in any game, ever.

See what I mean? Also, there are 6 bodies in this screenshot but they were played by 3 people. LMAO.

4 Moose and a Leto

Coruscating Mine. I think we were here for several hours farming wee's. As you can see, silliness started kicking in.

Happy was the day they introduced mini-moosies. *sigh*